Dr. Guy Giacopuzzi DDS, for the ultimate in fine dental health. Fancy Floss: Dental Floss Device, Lake Arrowhead, California, 92352.


Designed and created by Dr. Guy G. Giacopuzzi, DDS, Fancy Floss has 2 patents on its unique design.
Fancy Floss - Invented by Dr. Guy Giacopuzzi, DDS
Fancy Floss' patented design makes a "C" shape around each tooth - essential for correct flossing!

Flossing once a day helps prevent gum disease by removing food particles and plaque at and below the gumline as well as between teeth.

To begin, most of an 18-in (45-cm) strand of floss is wrapped around the third finger of one hand. A 1-in (2.5-cm) section is then grasped firmly between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. The floss is eased between two teeth and worked gently up and down several times with a rubbing motion.

At the gumline, the floss is curved first around one tooth and then the other with gentle sliding into the space between the tooth and gum. After each tooth contact is cleaned, a fresh section of floss is unwrapped from one hand as the used section of floss is wrapped around the third finger of the opposite hand.

Flossing proceeds between all teeth and behind the last teeth. Flossing should also be performed around the abutment (support) teeth of a bridge and under any artificial teeth using a device called a floss threader.

Dental floss comes in many varieties (waxed, unwaxed, flavored, tape) and may be chosen on personal preference.

    As you can see, flossing isn’t easy from a technical standpoint. The FancyFloss makes this difficult part of flossing–curving under the gumline–fast and easy. Check our Use & Threading for more information.